Established in 2024, the Fusion Energy Café’s vision statement is:
“The Fusion Energy Café seeks to connect with the local communities and businesses in the Bassetlaw region by raising awareness of fusion energy, increasing knowledge, and building support for its development.”
The exciting, funded collaboration between the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), Bassetlaw District Council and North Notts Business Improvement District (NNBID) aim is to develop the necessary facilities, infrastructure, and skills to support a thriving fusion energy sector in the UK.
The Café initiative is actively looking to directly engage the local people of Worksop and those in the surrounding areas of Nottinghamshire, W. Lincolnshire and S. Yorkshire in the field of fusion, particularly as the prototype fusion powerplant and STEP programme are being delivered at the designated West Burton site only 16.7 miles away. It will act as a gateway for the younger generation to explore the world of fusion with the aspiration of inspiring them to pursue apprenticeships and careers in the sector.
In the future, the STEP programme will provide a raft of recruitment opportunities which this younger generation will become the pipeline workforce for. It is important therefore, that local parents, carers, and educators understand the importance of fusion energy and what a rewarding and viable long-term career path it can bring for those individuals.
Locals will be able to book space within the Fusion Energy Café to run their community initiatives and events. There will also be a range of outreach events delivered by UKAEA and Bassetlaw District Council throughout the year for the local community to attend.